Four legs balancing and exercises
Posted in Roadmap by Giorgio on 20 May 2024

Over the spring, from the beginning of March until the end of May, I focused on balancing Continuity. I tried many different approaches to gain experience and acquire critical thinking in selecting the best one.
- The first one is probably the most complex and common in robot control systems: Proportional Integral Derivative control, or PID. The balancing algorithm was working fine, as can be seen from this video. The PID control is not fine-tuned, but even without doing it, I immediately noticed something I didn't like: motors were weakening approaching the desired position, and losing torque. This behaviour is not normal and it might be caused by an incorrect setup of the power distribution system. Additionally, the servo motors were sometimes rotating to undesired positions, I guess due to overlapping signals (?), causing damage to the mechanical structure of the legs.
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