Mimas autonomous navigation will be managed by several modular units, each of which has a precise role in taking photos, deciding the best direction where to go, and actually activating the motors. All these systems are controlled by the Mobility Manager (MOBM), which takes all input data, ignores the values that are not in an acceptable range, and does value conversions if needed. The MOBM communicates directly with the Drive Unit (DU), providing it with data stored in an SQLite embedded Database. The data producer (path planning algorithm and/or obstacle-avoidance algorithm) releases a high amount of data in a very short time, while the data consumer (DU) is much slower since the rover drives very slowly. SQLite is a great option for this type of system since it is reliable and portable: the algorithm can be moved from one machine to another and it is multiplatform (it runs on common computers like Linux, Windows or macOS machines, or Rasberry Pi).
- [Hours of work: 3h]
- [People involved: Giorgio]