Halfway there!

After several days of printing, the first half of the Rocker-Bogie suspension system is ready! The PVC tubes used to connect all printed parts together are not very likely to be used in the final design, since they may be too flexible. At the moment, the plan is to substitute them with aluminium tubes to ensure a higher stiffness as well as a lightweight structure. Nevertheless, the picture below gives an idea of the final shape of one-half of the suspensions, for the first time. A closer look will show that the "C" shaped bracket of the wheel on the left-hand side is missing, so the servo motor mount is simply leaning on the wheel. If everything goes as planned, this assembly should be ready for testing, with bearings, bolts and nuts in the correct place, in three weeks.

  • [Hours of work: 1h]
  • [People involved: Giorgio]

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